People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. areteus

    areteus New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?

    It's one of my common screen names, which I use in a few other places. I chose it because it is the name of a classical Greek scholar/poet who wrote about a disease very close to me.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    Male when I last checked.

    3) what age category and geographic location do you fall into?

    36 currently living in Birmingham, West Midlands

    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    Seen all of them so far and liked them pretty much. One or two issues in the execution (some favourite plot elements missing, some favourite characters not portrayed exactly as I see them) but nothing major. I think they will continue to be exactly as good as they have been so far. Am hoping to see a Guards one sometime but know that I will never get to see Sean Bean play Sam Vimes (as I think he is perfect for the role :) )
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi areteus, nice to meet you. I think Sean Bean would be pretty good too.
  3. Crawley

    Crawley New Member

    Hey, I'm Crawley...... It was gonna be Crowley but it was taken...... Anyways. I'm 22 from London UK, and I'm a guy. I started reading Discworld about 3 years ago, and have since devoured every TP book I could lay my hands on. I'm something of a bibliophile, and have been since I learned how to read. My Genre's of choice are Fantasy and Science Fiction, though I'll read just about anything. The only Discworld movies I've seen are the Sky TV movies, The Colour of Magic, The Hogfather and Going Postal. Having read the books I think casting the same actor as Rincewind and Albert was a bad idea, and they still haven't got the right actor for Vetinari. Though Going Postal was for the most part well cast and admirably perofrmed. I think thats all, if you wish to know more you can always ask.
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Crawley, nice to meet you. :)
  5. Crawley

    Crawley New Member

    Nice to be met by you :)
  6. Ceebee

    Ceebee New Member

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    • Its my initials - CB
    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    • Female
    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    • Im 40 something, and from the North east of England.
    • 4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
      (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    • Only Hogfather - which was quite awful. I do have a copy of The Colour of Magic to watch when I get a minute - it cant be any worse than Hogfather, and I would like to see Going Postal as the trailers for that looked quite promising (dont have sky so will wait for DVD release in August) Thoroughly enjoyed a stage version of Guards Guards at the Edinburgh festival one year!
    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    • I was given a copy of Good Omens in 1991, I loved it and decided to explore both the authors further. I chose Terry first and dived in with Eric (because it was quite slim so it wouldn't take me long to read, and the cheapest, being an impoverished single parent at the time). Despite not quite getting it, I persevered and went on to Guards Guards next and I was hooked and started from The Colour of Magic and quickly caught up to all then current releases..... and have not actually read another Neil Gaiman book other than Coraline.... oh and of course I reread Eric and appreciated it once I understood the disc history! I introduced Discworld to my eldest son as soon as he was old enough (he is now 22) and he like me is hooked - to the point where there is a fight for who gets to read a new book first I (me obviously, I pull rank!), my youngest (who is now 10) is just beginning with the 'junior' discworlds, and shows every sign of being another convert, having devoured maurice in just 2 nights and is almost finished Wee Free Men and already asking which one he can read next.
    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    • Dont worry, be happy - Bobby McFerrin.
    hello :)
  7. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Welcome to all the newbits that have recently joined, especially LibrarianK, an old friend from another couple of boards.. oo..oook! :smile:

    @CeeBee, I notice you're from the northeast. Maybe you'd be interested in joining the Tyne & Wear Flatalists and The Lancre Morris Men on their Grand Day Out towards the back end of July in Durham.
  8. Ceebee

    Ceebee New Member

    Hi Joculator, that sounds most interesting (if a little alarming LOL)- where would I find info on this? :)

    Im a bit north of Durham, on the coast in Blyth.
  9. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Have sent you a PM with contact details etc :D
  10. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Hi all, I'm what you would call an old newbie :) been registered on here for 5 years, but not been on since december 2007, so I'd better re-introduce myself.

    1. Still from Lords and Ladies
    2. Still female
    3. Now 40, still in Manchester, England
    4. Seen all 3, was pleasantly suprised by how well they were done, hopefully any more will be just as good.
    5.fancied a change of genre, and was initially attracted by the artwork on the cover of CoM (yes i am that shallow)
    6 Nae bother!
  11. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello queenynci. :)
  12. Cynthia

    Cynthia New Member


    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?

    I liked the name.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)


    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?

    46.. walsall, west midlands. UK

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)

    Yes and No.. depends on which one was to be turned into a movie.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?

    A friend of mine read them and I borrowed one. That was it I was hooked and all the better for it

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?

    Failure is nothing to fear
  13. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Welcome to the board, Cynthia.
  14. Cynthia

    Cynthia New Member

    Thank you Marcia
  15. morrisdancer

    morrisdancer New Member

    Introducing myself

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    after a long and tedious trial - and - error session with various other (and IMO cleverer) screennames, I was delighted to find that a simple one(!) was still available! But I might add that it also a fair description of me...

    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    I've never been confused about this. Oh, and the answer is "yes".

    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    I've been falling into different age categories - a new one every year - for 52 years now. And I do most of my falling down in Somerset, UK.

    • 4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
      (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Ummm... yes, I saw Hogfather, I think it was done for Sky then shown on terrestrial TV, and I did like it. I haven't a clue about future ones, is there one in the pipeline?

    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I used to lift share to work with a fan. Eventually I accepted his offer of borrowing C of M (I thought at least it'd help take my mind off Meatloaf on his car stereo - and yes, it worked.

    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Nothing can go wrong... go wrong... go wrong...
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi morrisdancer, nice to meet you. There seems to be a few morrisers here now. :)
  17. morrisdancer

    morrisdancer New Member

    I know at least one of the others - I sent him a link to a thread on Dark Morris and he beat me to replying!

    But we are both genuine Pterry fans, have many books between us (and he has some signed ones - although I haven't).

    And of course, being locals, we danced at the twinning ceremony when Wincanton twinned with Ankh-Mor[pork; and we posed with Pterry for photographs with sticks (no buckets I'm afraid).

    Actually, knowing how many morris dancers enjoy the Discworld, I'm susprised that there aren't many versions of the Dark Morris out there (or of the S & B dance either); but this may be inlfuenced by the fact that not many morris dancers seem to realise how essential the art of creating new (sorry - "rediscovering lost") dances is, and how rewarding it is too.

    Anyway, now that I'm here I expect to find lots to interest me outside the morris, I especially like Sam Vimes and Death and I expect there are threads here with lots to say about both!
  18. Thereisnopilot

    Thereisnopilot New Member

    Hello Everyone

    I've visited your pages for some time but haven't yet posted. Great little group you have here. I do have something to post today, so here goes:

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    A line from the Laurie Anderson album Big Science. The song is called "From The Air".

    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    Male, happily engaged to be married

    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    early thirties, USA.

    • 4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?

      (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Absolutely I like the movies. Also a fan of the Cosgrove Hall cartoons, wish more of those were happening. Haven't seen Going Postal yet, waiting for the USA DVD release.

    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    kind of a long story... worked in bookstores for a few years when I was younger, saw his books all the time. Had a cool boss who was always reading Pratchett and around that time I found the Wyrd Sisters VHS at the library and checked it out, enjoyed it ok, but it didn't make a huge impression..... A few years later my fiancee was loaned Going Postal by a friend because she's an avid reader, and she was telling me about it. I bought her a few more books and the more she told me about them the more I had to get into it myself. I'm an audio guy though, and I've fully enjoyed Planer and Briggs bringing these characters to life.

    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    probably "Let's get to it" - Devo
  19. Carrington

    Carrington New Member


    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    It's my fella's nickname for me.
    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Just turned 32 and live in SE England but originally from NE England.
    • 4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
      (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Have only seen Hogfather (on YouTube) as I don't have Sky TV. Must admit I wasn't overly impressed. Sometimes things are best played out in your own imagination.
    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I borrowed Small Gods from the library (must be about 20 years ago now) and loved it. Soon built up my own library to include all the books written up to that time and I buy every new DW novel as soon as it's out! :razz:

    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    I hate people who say time travel is a stupid idea. It's that kind of attitude that lost us World War Three...
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Carrington. :)
  21. scrouffles

    scrouffles New Member

    Carol from France

    I have no idea if I am doing this right or wrong.
    So, I'm Carol from France, but I am Dutch.
    AND I see I can't check my spellings, damn it
    I have two cats one Husband a *ONE* huge garden.
    I love to make *Watercolour flowers for cards, jewellery, knit, but not that brilliantly & of course I live to read, especially all of the *Terry Pratchett Books*
    That's it
  22. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Carol, nice to meet you. :)

    Have you lived in France a long time?
  23. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hello, new people! Welcome to the boards. :)
  24. scrouffles

    scrouffles New Member

    Sorry I have not replied sooner, but the Best beloved was rushed off to the Hospital on Sunday & I have had my hads full since then.
    I have lived in France for just under five years, in a beautiful area of the Limousin, The Haute-Vienne, it is full of natural lakes & trees.
    Bisous till later
    korean girl Webcams
  25. Quietsailor

    Quietsailor New Member

    Hello All

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I use this screen name for all forums I post on. So there you can probably track my hobbies, hometown and where I'm in college now.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    Male - if you ever meet me there will be absolutely no confusion over this :lol:

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    34, Cork City, Ireland

    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    I watched the Hogfather on DVD, David Jason was briliant in it but I don't think there is an actor alive that could bring the characters alive to match the way I see the Discworld in my imagination. I generally prefer the paper version of any story.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I read one in the local Library

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    "Tis better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
  26. Silvertounge

    Silvertounge New Member


    1.Silvertounge, Nickname given to me by my old boss, stating with my mounth, i will probably end up rich, imprisoned or in an mental institution. (probably all 3!).


    3. 39 years of age and from East London.

    No Eastender Jokes please...
  27. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Quietsailor and Silvertounge. :)
  28. GracePoland

    GracePoland New Member

    1) I think I always have been Grace, and since it looked taken I just added my country
    2) I definitely feel woman
    3) I'm 25 and I'm from Poland
    4) I have seen the movies, but I prefer the books
    5) Long time ago, my friends called me a witch (nowthing wrong about it) andone of them brought me a book and told me to read it. It was Wyrd Sisters.
    Now I came here, hoping for some news I can steal and share at Polish forum ;)
  29. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Grace, nice to meet you. :)
  30. Linnea

    Linnea New Member

    Me introducing me

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Linnea is swedish name for vanamo a twinflower in english, it's kinda cute check here Kew: Millennium Seed Bank Project: Also it's related to Carl von Linné who was once a famous nature and floral scientist, he made an order to the world of nature and I like things in order. And last any name is better than mine, which is girl in finnish language. (This turned out to be quite a long one, sorry)

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Soon 24 but always been a bit precocious :) And I'm from Finland, but not one of those beer drinking and ambarrasing ones.

    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    We have this YLE channel that sent Hogfather and the Colour of Magic a while ago. I've also seen the Wyrd Sisters adaptation at the theatre. I didn't think any of those were bad, one could always use more money on the special effects but the language and puns are also in big part. That maybe the reason I feel the theatre stage is good place for Pratchett's novels to come alive.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I can vaguelly remember that Wyrd Sisters was the first book, we had this tradition at the family that my mother read to me. She read also the Hogfather but I think it was then a bit ambarrasing at times as I was growing up (I can remember some blushing scenes from Wyrd Sisters), I wanted to read the books for my self from then on. Also bit of the credit belongs to my middle school room mate who was a big fan.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    I want to see order in things, but not in humour or life.

    7) Who's your favorite author (F/M) besides Pratchett?
    I'm a real bookworm but right now I'd say Chuck Palahniuk, very nice black humour, Fight Club is nothing compared to the Choke.
  31. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    welcome Linnea, my sister was going to name her second daughter Ana Linnea, but she had so much trouble she stopped with just David and Amy. I have always liked that name. A little town just a short way from me just celebrated St Urho's day, I was wondering if you have ever heard of him, seeing as how he chased the grass hoppers out of Finland. It is okay if you never heard of him, he was invented a few decades ago to get back for the green beer on St Patrick's day I suppose.
  32. Linnea

    Linnea New Member

    St. Urho's day

    I really hadn't heard of him, so I did some internet research... It turns out it's just a joke or a competing legend made up to match St. Patricks day :lol: Someone made the whole story up probably from the base that our then president was called Urho Kekkonen, but theres not many other thruths in that story; It's so cold we don't have many grasshoppers and I've never heard of any finnish successful winyards :)
    Our nation mainly focuses on celebrating peace, scientists and religious holidays, sadly...
  33. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Menahga, the little town I spoke of, has many Finnish people and they have a St Urho statue, a replica in fiberglass of the original chainsawed wooden one and they have a celebration every March 16th, it features the "changing of the guard" the town mayor and council take off their outer clothes revealing their purple dyed long underwear, put them in a pile, stir with a pitchfork and grab something to put on and hope it fits. It is a popular event for the local papers to take pictures of in a dreary time of the year. I think I remember the first St Urho celebration, and yes it was sort of a joke , but like most holidays if you need it you will keep it. The way St Patrick's day is celebrated in the States doesn't resemble the way it is celebrated in Ireland very much and I think that was part of why those guys came up with St Urho, too.

    When I moved to New York Mills,Minnesota a while back my Aunt Connie Nevala told me I was moving to Suomalinen country. They still had a Finnish language newspaper there back then. When I was in grade school our lunchlady was Mrs. Laine and her name didn't rhyme with chain and the janitor was Mr. Mattson. The pastor who married my ex husband and me was Reverend Yliniemi, and I have another aunt named Cyndy Aho. I sometimes think about half my neighbors were of Finnish descent, Kivi, Kurtti, Saarinen, Pihalja, Kastama, Dormanen are just a few I remember.
  34. Linnea

    Linnea New Member

    The celebration sounds fun :) Its nice to know that some holidays, even if they are made up ones, have landed from us to another countries. I've heard that there are quite a few of finnish villages in the States. Some of my ancestors way back 60 years ago, left there for a better life, I hope they got it.

    We finns are usually seen as gloomy and dark people and somehow I think that it might be true as we don't usually just make stuff up or go with the flow and the humour is usually dark and twisted too... Ofcourse things are changing now as the world is opening with the EU and everything. Still we're not very outgoing people, as a nation or as a stereo type I can see that many of us resemle the Winnie the Pohs Eeyore character thats more depressed and also drunk :lol: But the drinking might have positive affect on the shyness and make some people more outgoing.

    I think US has quite a big impact on our country, as most of our tv programmes come from the States. Also our holiday culture nowadays is affected, Halloween is a big hit and our Christmas is starting to seem more and more elaborate with emphasis on the decorating. I don't really care for the Cristian holidays or their fate as my family has always been a bit pagan :pirate: or atheist and I've never belonged to a church.
  35. VoxVeritas

    VoxVeritas New Member

    Greetings :)

    Not sure how to do this as I've not posted on a forum before.

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    VoxVeritas I THINK means truthful voice. Or something.
    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Old, and North London
    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Not seen any of the TV films - I don't really watch too much tele.
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    When I was 13 I was away for the weekend to a skateboarding weekend. I got hurt and couldn't skate any longer, went to a book sale on the beach and a guy convinced me to buy Colour of Magic, Light Fantastic, Pyramids and Guards Guards. I have never looked back :D
    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Para-phrasing "Million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"
  36. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi VoxVeritas, 'old' lol. There seems to be a certain age when people start thinking they're old, then when they're ten years older they look back and think 'what a fool, I wasn't old then - I was still young. I am old now though', then ten years later they do the same thing again, and again... :)
  37. OokEekOok

    OokEekOok New Member


    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Because its all The Librarian ever says and it could mean anything.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Im 28 and live in gods county, West Yorkshire.

    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    I enjoyed The Hogfather apart from teatime's silly Willy Wonka impression but ive not seen the others.

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    My dad had read them since before i was born and grew up reading them throughout my teenage/twenty something years.

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Humans come with a manual?
  38. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi there, nice to meet you. :)
  39. Lonnwy

    Lonnwy New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    It's the short form of my middle name, which is Welsh, completely unspellable, and totally unpronounceable.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    Female, well I was last time I looked anyway. ;-)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    34 (unfortunately, I've lost the last 10 years somewhere along the way!). and live in S. Wales.

    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    I enjoyed the films I've seen, they're a good romp and fun, but they miss out the subtleties of the jokes in the books. I hope there are more films, as hopefully it will get more people reading Discworld!

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    My older brother bought me the first 8 (about?!) books when I was a teenager, and I've been addicted ever since!

    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Question: What have you found under there then?
    Answer: Baby Daleks!!
    (I've since found out this afternoon that they are Bottle Jacks, but am still none the wiser! Lol!!)
  40. cribbins

    cribbins New Member

    1) After the character in Making Money (to be honest, it was the only one I was allowed to have- Stanley Howler, Sam Vimes and Moist Von Lipwig were not accepted. I also dislike the lack of a capital letter, as there are only so many times you can write different usernames without breaking up).
    2) I am male.
    3) I am young(ish) and I live in the North. Hoozah for ambiguity.
    4) I thoroughly enjoyed the films, although I haven't seen the animated ones. Anything Pratchett is fantastic, really.
    5) My first Pratchett... That would be Night Watch.
    6) My quote of the day is:
    "Birthdays are like milestones- dull, grey and dangerous when dropped from a high height"
    -Finley Llewellyn, the famous playwright.
  41. Yvonne

    Yvonne New Member


    Hi I am yvonne. Already forgot the questions i was supposed to answer but here is a stab:

    First the name I think, sorry totally failure in the fantasy department there as Yvonne is my real name.

    I am 67 (sigh) and live in Stockholm Sweden-

    My son put Guards, guards in my hands 10 years ago and said I must read it. Since then we both love TP´s books. Discworld is a Harry Potter (can´t stand him myself) for grown ups. I have all TP´s books and read them over and over again.

    I didnt know they have made films but just this weekend there is a showing of The Coulour of MAgic here in Sweden. I have just watched the first part and it´s pretty good. Very faithful to the book I thought. Of course Rincewind isn´t precisely the gangly young wizzard he is in the books (as I remember it). Can´t wait to see The Watch movie if it gets done. My favourite for Sam Vimes is of course Sean Bean, perfect in a kind of tattered way. I don´t care if you have a gun.

    Quote: "One ping only" from The Hunt for Red October. Or "Dwarfs may love iron but they don´t understand irony", can´t remember which book that was.
  42. OldStoneface

    OldStoneface New Member

    Introduction: OldStoneface

    Vimes is one of the most awesome characters in the series. His ongoing air of angry insistence that the world *should* work according to rules, combined with the realism to understand that it doesn't has always appealed to me.


    In my 40s, living in Texas, USA.

    I have seen Hogfather. I loved it, it was incredible. I think given the right director and casting, yes these books can be done well on the big screen.

    A friend had Guards! Guards! Which he had NEVER READ!!! I picked it up on a whim and read it. And fell in love with the series immediately. (And he lost that book!)

    "Everybody generalizes from one example, or at least I do." - Steven Brust's Vladimir Taltos
  43. MayChaser

    MayChaser New Member

    Greetings and felicitations!

    Hello all - I'm Mike from Cannock in South Staffordshire (UK). I went for the name 'MayChaser' as I live in a road with 'May' in the name, and am quite close to the woodlands of Cannock Chase. I'm a bit of an oldie - 53.
    I suppose one of my main reasons for enjoying Terry's work is the wonderful character he's created in Sam Vimes.
    The movies? Yes, I've seen them. They're fun, but movies can never capture the magic of what your imagination creates when you're reading. If pushed, I'd have to say I thought Hogfather the best of them.

    Best wishes to all!
  44. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Mike, sorry for the slow reply - it's a bit quiet around here these days but a few people do pop by now and again. :)
  45. Mithras-Kosmokrator

    Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    I somehow fell off the edge of the Disc, several years ago now (I think) but I've just found my way back so I think I ought to reintroduce myself.

    1) Mithras-Kosmokrator (or just Mithras!) was the god of one of the leading Ancient Roman 'Mystery Cults', which I am very interested in.

    2) I'm male.

    3) Just about to enter my 30s, living a little way outside London, UK.

    4) I've seen all three of the movies (plus the two Cosgrove Hall animated series) and liked them, although the quality has been variable. Yes, I think there is potential for greatness, though any adaptation is never going to satisfy everyone.

    5) A friend recommended 'Reaper Man' at school.

    6) "There's no point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes" - the Fourth Doctor, in 'Doctor Who: Robot'
  46. Chrissy Egg

    Chrissy Egg New Member

    1) It's Easter and I like eggs ... simples.
    2) female.
    3) I'm in the old category and I live in Salford near Manchester UK.
    4) I've seen them all ( Going Postal was on tonight actually ) , and enjoyed every one . I prefer the book's tho .
    5) I was looking for a book about witches and came across Wyrd Sister's ( in the library) . ... then I went back for more ... and more ....
    6) It'll be alright in the end ... and if it's not alright - it's not the end .
  47. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Chrissy Egg. :)
  48. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    It has been a long time since I introduced myself here, and quite a while since anybody else did too, so I thought , what the hay?
    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    It is part of my real name
    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    female, no matter what my friend Kevin says.
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    older now than when I first became a member, mid continent North American
    4) Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones?
    (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    I have and I quite liked most of them I have seen.
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I found "the Color of Magic" in the library in New York Mills, back in the late '80s, I also read "Equal Rights and probably "the Light Fantastic", but I forgot about them until 2003 when I read mention of them in a Robert Asprin book, I found some in my library and more in the bookstores, and now I have most of Sir Terry's works.
    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    You can't always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes, you get what you need.
  49. SpoonMan

    SpoonMan New Member

    Hi All, I'm Dan.

    I'll answer the questions then see if there's anything else I can tell you that might be of interest...
    1. What formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname? - It's a play on my surname and a song from one of my favourite bands #GNUChrisCornell
    2. Are you male or female? - Male, broadly heterosexual and married with a couple of hilarious, intelligent kids.
    3. What age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? - Originally from Dorset in the UK but now living in Perth, Fourecks. I'm just about to tick over from the Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Which is a shame 'cause I've enjoyed being 42! By the way, I'm a terrible language pedant and can't help but say that you've spelled category wrong!!!
    4. Have you seen any Discworld movies, did you like them and do you have faith in future productions being good, better or worse than current ones? - The only one I've seen is Going Postal, which was okay but the budget wasn't big enough and Jeff, sorry I mean Moist wasn't right in my head, although he did a pretty good job with the limited time/scope. Spike was good though, although not spiky enough, personality wise!
    5. Who or how were you turned on to Discworld/Pratchett? - When I was 13 my eldest brother left his copy of The Light Fantastic laying around and I picked it up then spent the rest of the day laying on the sofa reading, and occasionally falling off laughing. The rest, as they say, is history.
    6. What's your personal quote of the day? - Do unto otters as you would have them do unto you.
    I work in IT, used to do IT support, then did Change Management, then IT Security, now I'm a Business Analyst, whatever that means? I build websites for fun like these ones:
    Plus, I'm a writer, I've only done one magnum opus at the moment, which you can read here for free if you're interested...
    Apart from that I'm a fairly active member of the We Ate'nt Dead Facebook group and generally potter about making a nuisance of myself whenever I get the chance.
    While I realise this isn't the most active of forums, I like to keep my finger in all the pies I can, Pratchett-wise, so thought this was a good place to hang one of my hats!
    By the way, if any of you are writers and have penned anything about the great man, get in touch and I'll happily publish it on the Clacks Header 'blog.
  50. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Dan, nice to see you in this quiet corner of the internet :)
    SpoonMan likes this.
  51. yuri

    yuri New Member

    1) I like that name
    2) male
    3) I'm 18 and live in Dresden, Germany
    4) I've seen some of the movies and thought that they were great for someone that had read the books. I loved to see the characters that I had imagined before in these movies. I don't think that any discworld movie will be a success with anybody that didn't read any book by Terry Pratchett before, because the book is the perfect medium for his writing. He used a lot of stylistic devices that are hard to realise in a movie (e. g. The way certain people speak etc.)
    5) The first book I read was "I shall wear midnight", it was available in the school library
    6) "Chocolate doesn't solve problems - neither does an apple"
  52. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Yuri, nice to meet you! :)

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